These commercials are probably the best way they could have helped their organization. All that plays in them are countless pictures and videos of puppies, cats, horses, and other animals that have obviously been abused. By showing pictures of sad little dogs, or cats with cuts on them or limbs missing, they are connecting with their audience emotionally. What person wants to see little cute puppies messed up and sad?
Then, they talk about how if you donate money, something like $18 a month, you can save countless abused animals lives. Who wouldn't want to do that?? And if you are still on the edge about donating they then tell you that if you do that you will receive a FREE tote bag so EVERYONE can know you are supporting the ASPCA. Personally, I think that offering free things just to convince people to donate to a cause such as this isn't right. However, it is pretty smart of them to do that. They just keep reeling you in! Then, they go one step further and say you don't even have to donate that much ($18)! You can simply donate whatever you can afford and they would be thankful. By doing this they are trying to tell their audience two things. One, this cause is SO important, they just want every penny they can get, that it's all equally as appreciated. Two, they are completely getting rid of any requirement or obligation they made you feel when they originally stated $18. Pretty genius if you ask me.
I think that this advertisement is extremely effective and thought out. Playing it on popular TV channels was all they needed to get people to help out with this worthy cause.