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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Morning Burst

Every morning we'll be
Wakin' up to love
Don't you know that we'll be
Wakin up to love!
Well now doesn't that sound like the perfect way to wake up in the morning?  This song is only one of the ways that the company "Clean and Clear" advertises their product as something that is a must-have in the commercial above.  All the commercials for skin care products like this one use the same plan of action to grab their viewers attention.  They start off with a normal, everyday person that isn't anything special, just like the miserable girl at the beginning of this video.  Then, they introduce something so amazing that it can change your entire day around!
How revolutionary! It's crazy that this girl can go from miserable, to being a morning person who is singing to the radio with her best friend just because she washed her face with this amazing product!  I always thought washing your face was just so you can stay clean and keep your face from breaking out, but not anymore apparently.....
In all seriousness though, I think these commercials go way over the top and don't even hit the real point of why people should buy face wash.  You will not wake up singing everyday because you use this product, and when you use water to wash the product off, it will not splash perfectly in slow motion on your face without getting everything else around you wet... trust me.  Although I get their desire for the commercial to be upbeat, I think this is a little drastic.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hunger Games

What else can I talk about this week other than the phenomenon that has taken the whole world by storm all within the last 6 months?  I am of course talking about the award winning trilogy, The Hunger Games.  This first book in the series, written by Suzanne Collins, has won many awards and has been on both the USA Today and New York Times best seller lists (100 weeks straight).  As most of you know the books are being made into movies, and the first one actually premieres today!  
Im sure many people who have heard the hype but not read the books are wondering why these books are so popular.  I actually just finished the trilogy yesterday, and it only took me a little over a week to read all of them because they were that good! The author of these books hit the nail on the head when it came to connecting to many different audiences.  The story itself is about a post-apocalyptic world in which different districts surrounding a capitol compete for food through a deathly anual competition called the Hunger Games.  That alone would attract one certain kind of audience, as I'm sure the subject of a post-apocalyptic world is a rather popular one among certain groups of people.  This also would attract male readers who are interested in these types of stories rather than romance novels.  However, Collins is very smart and attracts females to the books by using a strong female lead, and also writing an underlying love story behind the otherwise dismal story. 
Personally, I loved it.  There is so much of… well everything in this book!  There's an amazing story that you get absorbed into, indulging complicated characters, and a plot that would get anyone's attention.  I know many people who have never picked up a book in their life who read this novel in one day because the suspense is just too great! Suzanne Collins displays her uncanny skill as an author to capture her readers attention by using matter that she knows will surprise and shock her readers and make them feel like they are actually part of this story.  I recommend the book to anyone!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Break Vacations

March is the time of the school year a lot of students are looking forward to because of one thing: Spring Break.  While some go home to catch up on sleep and spend time with their families others sign up to go to incredible vacation spots to have the time of their lives.  Whether its clubbing in Panama City or going to a concert on the beach in the Bahamas, many college students are drawn in by these amazing opportunities to "live it up" with their friends on spring break.  There are multiple groups that organize events like this, such as Electric Island in the picture above.  They use things they know will attract people ages 18 to around 24: perfect weather, bathing suits, young people all the same age.  Who wouldn’t look at images of hundreds of bikini clad girls rocking out to music on the beach and not want to go?  They make everything look like people are having the time of their lives in the ideal setting.  Most times even the price is doable if people plan early enough.  The people who organize it create simple packages that include hotel rooms, clubs, concerts, and drinks.  All the student has to do is click the button and hand over the cash.  It’s seems surreal, something that only happens in movies, but these groups have made it real and possible for younger people to attend and have an amazing experience somewhere warm instead of staying up north! I know I myself have considered saving up for this type of trip and many of my friends have gone.  Although tiring by the end of it, and probably hard to get back to reality afterwards, I can’t deny that it looks like an amazing experience you can only do when you’re young!